Social media has In no doubt aid effective communications between family friends and associates, although social media platforms play a significant role in our day to day activities, it is also noteworthy that they could pose serious privacy risks when using them and it's quite important to know and understand the privacy risks involved. Below are few of the privacy risks that comes with the use of social media and possible way to play safe.
Most of the social media platforms prompt you to provide some personal information like your birthday and email address, Identity thieves can gather their victim’s personal information from the data provided on the social media platforms. Many identity thieves hack their victims email account by simply using the personal information available on the social media profile, they most times use "forget password" And thereafter try to recover the password through email.
Once they are able to access your email account, all of your data will be revealed to them. Social media mobile apps usually have location based service which allows users to check in at their current locations, this normally reveals the user’s current location to the people they are connected with in their social media networks, such information can be easily used by malicious people to track your whereabouts. More so, posting your whereabouts on the social media can end up inviting burglars and thieves to your home or office Here are few tips to play safe with your privacy on social media.
1) Avoid posting your movements on the social media and avoid using the location based services
2) Review your social media profiles and pay close attention to the way each profile lets you protect sensitive personal details. Social media app like viaspot which enables you to select which profile to add each person to and also block them from seeing whatever is going on at the other end where they are not added to is very relevant to avert privacy issues
3) Take advantage of the enhanced privacy options which are provided by social media sites like blocking your message from strangers that are not added to your profile. Lastly, when you use social media, you are obviously revealing information about you online, when such information got posted, they are no longer private and it may end up falling into wrong hands if your profile is not properly arranged to determine who and who reads some certain things about you and who ought not to read them. Therefore, you need to be very careful about what you post online, else you will end up giving the potential burglars, stalkers, and identity thieves the information they need to harm you.